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Monitoring Global Protect

L6 Presenter

I'm currently in the process of migrating my company from AnyConnect to Global Protect on our 5220s.  I'm looking for your feedback on how you all "monitor" the VPN service?


When comparing the "dashboard" view of Cisco's ASDM I don't really see anything which can be loaded on the Palo "dashboard" tab.  It seems like the only real way is to look at "remote users" under your gateway config, but this doesn't really seem to provide a good "at a glance" kinda view.


So I'm looking to get some "this is how it worked for us" tips from the community.


Things I'm looking for are trends on connected users, top talkers, lists of users which might be trying to connect but are failing... et al.  (am I really going to have to try to sort through noisy system logs?  anyone have any good filters???)


Look forward to hearing everyone's feedback.

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