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GlobalProtect - To which ethernet interface? WAN Facing?

L2 Linker


I am setting up GP on a small home office PA220 .  I have a single E 1/1 Untrusted L3 interface that is internet facing.

My logic tells me this interface should have the GP configured on it.  However, the documentation and video turtorials don't specifically outline that the GP needs to be on an internet facing interface.


I have followed the configurations to a 'T' with my GP interface being Untrusted L3 E 1/8.  This E 1/8 interface has no physical ethernet cable connected to it, nor does it actually bind with anything other than the tunnel.1


My question is:  Have I configure the GP properly and it should work by visiting my external IP address from an outside location?  I wouldn't think so - but....


If GP should actually be assigned to to the internet facing IP (E 1/1) - How would I go about doing so as it is already assigned?


Thanks PA-LC for all your help 🙂


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