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Data Pattern Regex

L0 Member

Hello community,


I'm having trouble with the following regular expressions in PaloAlto version 7.1.21.


  • (518497 | 518472 | 518536] {6}) ([0-9] {10})
  • ([503441] {6}) ([0-9] {16})

It works on different platforms, but not on the FW.

I have managed to make it work in part, in the following way:


. * ((SensitiveData) | (518497) | (518472) | (518536))


But the parameters that follow do not know how to unite them.

Can someone give me a hand please?


{6}) ([0-9] {10}


I've been almost 5 hours of mistakes, I'm frustrated.

help me please....


according to the page I'm fine, but the FW Palo Alto only gives me errors.


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