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"set" instructions not working when using Ansible PANOS_OP to update Panorama Addresses group

L1 Bithead

Hi All,


This is another issue I am encounting with PANOS Ansible's module. This time when using "PANOS_OP" into Panorama to add a static address into a group. This is the error I am getting when executing "cmd: set device-group MYCLOUD address-group MYCLOUD-GRP-1 static SMTP-" in playbook:


fatal: []: FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"api_key": null,
"cmd": "set device-group MYCLOUD address-group MYCLOUD-GRP-1 static SMTP-",
"cmd_is_xml": false,
"ip_address": "",
"username": "pan_ansible"


Failed to run command : set device-group MYCLOUD address-group MYCLOUD-GRP-1 static "CLOUD-" : set -> device-group is unexpected


Let me know what is the solution to add more IP addresses to an Address group.




My playbook is pretty simple; however, I am unable to find the error.



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