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Panorama 8+: Can you override EDLs in child Device Groups?

L4 Transporter

Currently running Panorama 7.1.  We'll be upgrading to 8.1 in October-ish.


According to the documentation for 7.1 and 8.1, you can create an EDL in Device Group A, and it will be inherited by all child device groups below it.  This is working.


According to the documentation for 7.1 and 8.1, you can check the box "Disable override" to prevent child device groups from overriding the settings in the EDL.  This checkbox can be toggled, but doesn't actually appear to do anything.


According to documentation for 7.1 and 8.1, one should be able to override the settings for an EDL in a lower Device Group.  The little green star/gear icon appears in lower Device Groups to show that the EDL has been inherited from a parent Device Group.  However, in 7.1, there's no Override option in the status bar, nor can one click on the green star/gear icon.  The EDL remains read-only.  If one Clones the EDL in the child device group, the clone is actually done in the parent, making the clone also read-only!


So, two questions:

  1. Why is there a "Disable Override" option when you create an EDL if you can't actually override the EDL anywhere?
  2. Is this feature working in 8.1 or higher?  Meaning, can one create a generic EDL in Device Group A and override it in Device Group A.1 to point to a local URL; then override it in A.2 to point to a different local URL, and so on.

I really don't want to have to create 4 separate EDLs in the bottom Device Group, if I can create the EDL once in the parent, and just override the source URL.

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