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Shared Objects in Panorama

L1 Bithead

Is there a concept of shared objects at multiple levels in Panorama ?  For example, I can have a top level setting at the shared level which says password length is 15 characters and I want that to go to all firewalls.  What I need, is a second shared level beneath that (like at the template stack level) that says anything in "This template stack" has a particular "zone protection profile."  I know that you can add multiple templates to a template stack, but what I am trying to do is use some type of shared setting. 


In my case, each "zone" will be different depending on the template being used, but behind the scenes, the "zone protection profile" is the same across all templates.  


Everything I have read, says you have to copy the setting for "zone protection profile" for each template you plan on using it with.  I was just hoping I could put the "zone protection profile" settings at a lower shared area that could be utilized by multiple templates.


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