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Configuring stdlib.localDB with an "age_out" breaks the miner, allowing only 1 IOC at a time.

L0 Member

Below is a link of a test implementation as I learn Minemeld. I have read the following documentation.


Use Case


Using Desmito, we would like to submit IOCs to the stdlib.localDB miner. Based off of investigations, the analyst will determine the TTL (age_out) policy for the IOC. The default policy should be configured for a 24 hour TTL.

The test case, I am using 30-60 seconds TTL to test default TTL funcationality. However, I have been running into strange issues.


Test conditions requirements

  1. Maintain a list of IOCs.
  2. Remove IOCs which have expired. 


Test Diagram



Case #1


The following settings have been configured on stdlib.localDB.
Observed behavior:

  1. Adding a new IOC after one has been added, will remove all previous IOCs. Resulting in the miner only ever having 1 IOC. Regardless of the expiration date.
  2. Expiration does properly work.

Tests Done:

  1. Attempted using default for age_out policy.
  2. Attempted using a manual age_out TTL legnth.




Case #2


The following settings have been configured on stdlib.localDB-true.
Observed behavior:

  1. Adding a new IOC after one has been added, will remove all previous IOCs. Resulting in the miner only ever having 1 IOC. Regardless of the expiration date.
  2. Expiration does properly work.

Tests Done:

  1. Attempted using default for age_out policy.
  2. Attempted using a manual age_out TTL legnth.



Case #3


The following settings have been configured on stdlib.localDB-true.
Observed behavior:

  1. Is able to maintain a list of IOCs. 
  2. Expiration does not properly work.

Tests Done:

  1. Attempted using default for age_out policy.
  2. Attempted using a manual age_out TTL legnth.


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