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Successfully registered to Public Cloud

L1 Bithead

Hello all,


I am running 9.0.3-h3. 


I keep getting messages about my PA registering to wildfire.  As far as I know, I don't have a license for it.

Right now the cli command Test Wildfire Registration shows:

Test wildfire Public Cloud

Testing cloud server ...
wildfire registration: successful
download server list: successful
select the best server:

Test wildfire Private Cloud

Cloud server is empty


But about 20 minutes ago it gave a full report showing submitted items and queue status. It also showed a field that was negative regarding the license status. 


According to

The device will only register to the WildFire cloud if a valid WildFire license is present.


I tried to blank out the Device-Setup-Wildfire-WildFire Public Cloud setting, but it forces it to be populated.


How do I stop this from trying to register?  






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