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Problem with LDAP group usage in Authentication Profile


I have a strange issue with LDAP groups in our PA-5220 setup.

Our setup is two HS-clusters with each containing two PA-5220. All of the devices are fully managed using Panorama. All of the firewalls are running 9.0.5 and Panorama is also of version 9.0.5.


The configuration looks like this, I have configured a LDAP server object with all of our AD domain controllers, and set the "Base DN" to be the root of the domain. I have created a "Group mapping" containing a group for testing. I have created a "LDAP Authentication Profile" targeting the LDAP server configured earlier.

The problem is that the LDAP authentication only works if I have the "Allow list" set to "All". If I specify the AD group either using the NetBIOS name/short name or the full DN name, authentication will fail.


If I from the console list, the users in the group using "show user group name" all expected users are listed. If I test the Authentication Profile using the command "test authentication authentication-profile" it works when the allow list is set to All, but not if I a LDAP group is specified. The test fails based on "Do allow list check before sending out authentication request".


I have checked all of the KB I have been able to find and made sure that I for instance have all the LDAP paths in lower cases. I have compered it with another device with a working configuration, but at another company, but except for the paths and server names, everything is more or less the same.


What could be causing this issue? What to check next?


Best regards,
Johan Christensson

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