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GlobalProtect: Existing user session..?

L2 Linker

Hi all..  I'm sure this will be a simple question to answer, but I can't find any explanation. In the following snip from our GlobalProtect traffic log on a PA200:

12/23/2014 17:142/23/2014 17:14GlobalProtect gateway user login succeeded. Login from:, User name: w__0.
12/23/2014 17:142/23/2014 17:14GlobalProtect gateway user logout succeeded. User name: w__0, Reason: remove previous login.
12/23/2014 17:142/23/2014 17:14GlobalProtect gateway user login failed. Login from:, User name: w__0, error: Existing user session found.
12/23/2014 17:142/23/2014 17:14GlobalProtect gateway user login succeeded. Login from:, User name: w__0.
12/23/2014 5:292/23/2014 5:29GlobalProtect gateway user logout succeeded. User name: w__0, Reason: user session expired.
12/23/2014 2:282/23/2014 2:28GlobalProtect gateway user login succeeded. Login from:, User name: w__0.

I have the inactivity timeout set to 3hrs, so the user was inactive and the session expired at 5:29.  Then they reconnected at 17:14, but how/why was there an existing session?  There are other timeouts where the session disappeared after an expiration.          Everything seems to be working correctly, this question is just for curiosity's sake.


-- michael~

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