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Radius configuration with multiple servers

L0 Member


      We have an issue that sometimes our Duo proxy stops responding to Radius requests from our Globalprotect solution. Our IT operation team blames Microsoft for the issue and they blame Duo. I found a blog describing a possible solution here 

However, the solution requires at least 2 Duo proxies. I was wondering, is it possible to rather use Office365 as Radius with our GP solution? So that if Duo does not respond, the next try would go to Office365 with Microsoft Authenticator. Is this supported and even possible? Because Microsoft no longer offer on prem Radius proxy and requests must be sent to the cloud which is okay I guess. Any suggestions and tips are grealt appreciated. If we find no better option, the solution from would be useable as well. We just need to set up another VM. But different MFA vendor in the same GP solution would have been nice.


Best regards,


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