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Global Protect with SAML authentication from Azure on multiple Portals

L1 Bithead

Hi Everyone!


Im not sure if this is more a Global Protect or Pan-OS topic, but here goes:


Our setup: I have implemented SAML authentication with our PanOS devices to be used on Global Protect. It works great,

our corporate laptops authenticate with certificate + SAML, but now I want to have the same SAML authentication on another

portal that is intended to be used for BYOD devices. That portal is configured to allow only one type of auth, in this case - SAML.


The problem: With the default/documentation SAML setup, after authenticating on Azure SSO, the redirect goes to the first portal,

the one meant for corporate laptops, that has certificate + SAML, and obviously that fails for BYOD devices with the missing certificate error. Is there a way to configure it so, that multiple reply URLs can be used? So it redirects to the correct portal? 

I know Azure SSO supports idp-initiated sso, but how to use it with Pan-OS?


Any ideas are appreciated

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