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Global Protect - SAML Authentication Complete Page

L1 Bithead

We're testing upgrading to version 2.5.x and have run into a few changes with the new features.


We enabled "Use Default Browser for SAML Authentication", because you know ie, is going away.  After doing this, each time our end user authenticates, they receive an "Authentication Complete" Page, with a cryptic message about opening Global Protect and a link that doesn't work.  It comes from https://<VPNGatewayFQDN>/SAML20/SP/ACS


I've searched through documentation and can't seem to find anything about it, nor is it present as a response page you can customize.


Ideally we'd prefer the old behavior, close the browser window / tab that was used for the SAML authentication, but minimally, we need to reword this page so it doesn't confuse users.. Maybe use it as a banner.


This is not the "Global Protect App Welcome Page", that feature is disabled.


Any help would really be appreciated.

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