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L3 Networker

Hi Shmuel,

Not sure what you mean by down?


We will show the xdr agent status as below. 

  • Connected
    —The Cortex XDR agent has checked in within 10 minutes for standard endpoints, and within 3 hours for mobile endpoints.
  • Connection Lost
    —The Cortex XDR agent has not checked in within 30 to 180 days for standard endpoints, and between 90 minutes and 6 hours for VDI and temporary sessions.
  • Disconnected
    —The Cortex XDR agent has checked in within the defined inactivity window: between 10 minutes and 30 days for standard and mobile endpoints, and between 10 minutes and 90 minutes for VDI and temporary sessions.


You can also create a filter from endpoint administration using Last Seen. ex. screenshot below with endpoint status disconnected and last seen 7 Days


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