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Cross region ingress packet inspection with Palo Alto GWLB and TGW

L0 Member

Hello there,

Currently doing POC and deployed a  VM-Series with AWS Gateway Load Balancer/TGW mentioned here

I was able to inspect the traffic inbound traffic as my security vpc (TGW/GWLB/VMSeries)a nd Spokes VPC (Application) is in the same region. Any idea how can I route my traffic for inbound inspection if my spokes VPC is different region than security VPC since gateway loablancer endpoint  is a regional service? I was able to route/inspect East-West and Outbound (to internet) using cross region transit gateway attachment.


In this diagram both security vpc and application vpc are in the same region, we were able to route the traffic for public subnet to pur firewall through gwlb endpoint. This is not possible if your spokes VPC is in a different region and VPC endpoint is a regional service, just like TGW.

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