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Per host QoS

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Hi there.

I've played with different QoS setups. And currently I'm trying to set up a per host based QoS or BW shaping.

My QoS profile is as following:

Class 3, Min BW: 2Mb/s MaxBW:3Mb/s

Class 4, Min BW: 1Mb/s MaxBW:2Mb/s

QoS policy is:

#1 SrcZone: Inside, SrcAddress:<host_object1>, SrcUser:any, DstZone:Outside, DstAddress:any, Application:any, Service:any,Class:3

#2 SrcZone: Inside, SrcAddress:<host_object2>, SrcUser:any,  DstZone:Outside, DstAddress:any, Application:any, Service:any,Class:4

However, with this setup, only QoS policy #1 is triggered. Am I on the wrong track here?

Also if someone has any directions in how to solve a Per host traffic shaping - that would be awesome Smiley Happy

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