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Netflow Bug in PAN OS 10.1.4-h4 and earlier OS 10 versions

L1 Bithead

This post is more of a survey of anyone that may be experiencing the same issue. We have a case open with PA and they have identified a bug. The fix, as I'm told, is that it will be addressed in a future release but they couldn't say when or what release. I searched the Live Community forums and found the issue occurring in an older 10.x version.  https://live.paloaltonetworks.com/t5/general-topics/change-in-netflow-behavior-in-pan-os-10/m-p/3910... . This earlier post is over a year old. Our issue is identical specifically, NF is reporting application traffic in the Tbps and even Pbps range since we upgraded from 9.1.4 to 10.1.4-h4. As we use PA native SDWAN this is impacting all reporting from our WAN sites, as well as DC traffic reporting, Internet traffic reporting, etc. Our netflow collectors (Scrutinizer and Riverbed Steel Central) have been rendered useless while PA decides when to release a fix. 

I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced this bug? If so, what has been your recourse to address the issue, or are you simply awaiting a fix as we are?

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