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Thank You for Filling Out the LIVEcommunity Experience Survey!

Community Team Member

If you've visited LIVEcommunity anytime recently, you've probably seen a pop-up asking for your feedback. We've deployed this survey since April 2020 for new and returning visitors alike as a way to gather feedback from our users. 


In the past six months, we've had more than 600 responses to this survey! But no amount of feedback is too much. If you see the below pop-up, please agree to take the survey—and know that your responses greatly guides and influences how we improve user experience. 


If you've visited LIVEcommunity since April 2020, you've likely seen this pop-survey.If you've visited LIVEcommunity since April 2020, you've likely seen this pop-survey.


The survey is only seven questions long and takes about one minute to complete. Every answer helps us build value to all community visitors and members. 


On behalf of the LIVEcommunity team, THANK YOU! We value each and every one of you. 


Thanks for reading!
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