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Can there be fallback authentication for GlobalProtect?

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I ran into a scenario that rendered me useless remotely, and I'm wondering if I can configure secondary authentication for GlobalProtect...

I used GP to VPN in remotely.  My GP is set up to authenticate through Active Directory, and it works fine.  I was updating my VMWare environment and SAN, in which I needed to power down all VMWare servers (including Domain Controllers).  During my SAN upgrades, I lost my GP connection.  From that point, I couldn't re-establish my GP connection and it took me a minute to realize that it was because AD could not be contacted due to it being offline.  I had to go on-site to finish all upgrades and restore the servers.

Is there a way to configure GP to allow a local login for myself if AD authentication doesn't work so that I can still connect to the PAN firewall, then I can manage my network without the reliance of AD when I know it's not going to be available (bring VMs back up)?

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