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L4 Transporter

Hi @kenlacrosse ,

Apart from what @bbarmanroy mentioned which is a must to do in this cases.

I would also have a clear picture of your resources on that DB server before you deploy XDR. If in the production server you are almost up to the limit of resources, please just bear in mind that even XDR is designed to not to have much impact on your resources, it still some resources to work, and the more activity you have in your server, the more resources XDR might need to check and inspect all transactions, processes executing in the server ... 

Ive seen customers running already at 98% on their servers far way too much processes running so if XDR needs a bit of memory and a bit of CPU to check the behaviour of every process, the amount of resources increase and so the server can be overloaded. 

Keep an eye to have your UAT server as similar as the production server as possible. 

Hope this helps, 


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