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Scheduled backup export

L2 Linker

Hi there,


I have a scheduled backup job running every night, which exports my Panorama config to a backup server, it is running for over a year now without any problem.


Yesterday I went over the config, changed the time and permitted the config.

This morning I saw that the backup failed due to missing ECDSA SSH key.


Failed exporting config bundle via ssh to 1x.xx.xx.xx. No ECDSA host key is known for 1x.xx.xx.xx ...Host key verification failed...lost connection


The test connection button on the backup schedule page asks if I want to add the key, system says it added the key but it seems to do nothing. Same message when I press the button again, same error message when the backup job runs again.


Im on Panorama version 10.2.2


Has anyone a hint how to fix or work around that issue?

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