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Force GlobalProtect Portal refresh of connected clients?

L6 Presenter

Is there a way to force the refresh of the portal agent config on connected clients? We have multiple portals and multiple gateways for VPN load distribution and fail-over capabilities. When developing/testing changes to the GP VPN I will often take a gateway out of rotation by deleting it from the portal external gateway config. The following day, when clients authenticate to the portal, they get the updated portal config and stop using the gateway to be used for testing (default 24 hour portal app config refresh timeout, custom 18 hour gateway timeout).


However, we have a small number of clients that for some reason will go multiple days to a week without authenticating against/refreshing their portal config (instead using a cached copy). This is even though they are actively authenticating to the gateway every morning/disconnecting every night. Does anyone know why this is happening or how to force the client to refresh its portal config?

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