This is certainly possible. Firstly you would need to decide what Context key name to put them under. After you have decided, generally we use
where "command_results" is a CommandResults object (for which the documentation on how to use it is here
As an example (and assuming you have a scrip that has an argument input called "ips"):
# Get the arguments
args = demisto.args()
ips = args.get('ips')
# Check that the input is either an array or can be split
if not isinstance(ips, list):
ips = ips.split(",")
except Exception as err:
return_error(f'The provided input was not an array or CSV data:\n\n{err}')
# How many IPs to break the array into
set_count = 10
# Create a temporary store for the sub-lists
return_data = []
# Iterate each set of <set_count> ips
while len(ips) > set_count:
return_data.append(ips[0: (set_count)])
[ips.pop(0) for x in range(set_count)]
# Add the remaining IPs as their own sized array
# Create the final returned data array
results = []
# Create an index for the set number
set_number = 0
# Iterate throught the arrays and place them into a suitable format
for item in return_data:
'set': set_number,
'ips': item
set_number += 1
# Build the command results object
command_results = CommandResults(
readable_output=tableToMarkdown('IPs', results, ['set', 'ips'])
# Return the command results object
The result in the context is an array containing dictionaries. Each dictionary has a set number (to avoid duplicates) and the actual IPs.
I hope this helps.