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Power Supply Comparison - PA-220 vs PA-440

L0 Member

Hello, all -


We have several remote locations running about a dozen PA-220 FW units which we are replacing with PA-440s. I would prefer to make this as painless as possible and may even have the non-technical onsite staff do the hardware swap. I'm just having a bit of a quandary when it comes to the power supplies. The spec sheets are a little ambiguous and I want to make sure I have redundant power for each device. Where I'm getting confused is the output wattage. Ideally, I would like to leave the power supplies for the 220s in place and just add a single supply that shipped with the 440s, but I'm less than confident given the info I was able to find on the spec sheets:


220: 1.75A@12VDC Max 25W Average 21W


440: 2.5A@12VDC Max 30W (no average listed)


So it appears we will need to order additional power supplies unless the ones that shipped with the 220s were over spec and would work for both. It's not the end of the world; we have to order rack trays anyway since the 440 units don't fit into the old 440 trays (thanks a lot for that one, by the way, PaloAlto). Thoughts?

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