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Hi @nowayout ,

I can confirm that you don't need to list existing interfaces when adding new one to virtual-router.

If you run the fillowing command it will add to the existing list, and will not override it:

> set network virtual-router default interface ethernet1/3

The square brackets are options in your case, they are needed if you want to add multiple interfaces with single command.


Even if you are adding multiple interfaces with [ ethernet1/4 ethernet1/5 ethernet1/6 ], it will still only add those three without overriding or removing any interface from the list.


Now if you want to remove interface/s from the list you either remove interface one by one or all interfaces at once:

# will remove only one interface from the list and the rest will remain
> delete network virtual-router default interface ethernet1/3

# will remove all interface from virtual router
> delete network virtual-router default interface

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