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Global Protect - ARM client

L0 Member

As stated with this link, a client version of GlobalProtect for ARM has been released

GlobalProtect fails to connect on windows 11 ARM64 with error message: Could not connect to the Glob...


As I migrated to a new machine (ARM processor , a Mac Studio M2 Ultra) from an old one from 2015, I need this client to connect to 2 networks for my customers, as Parallels with Win11-ARM64 cannot use the standard 64 bit Intel client, and the download page for my 2 customers only show the Intel and Mac ones.


So far, I asked the IT support of both organizations a couple of months ago to provide me the new client for ARM, but I didn't get it yet.

I don't understand why this software is not downloadable by a user and it needs a Palo Alto user id with contracts/serial number/and so on. I already went the high route and IT departments in big companies is a mess.


Is there anyone who has a working link to download this software?


Thanks in advance

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