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SYSTEM ALERT : critical : High root partition usage; going to state Non-Functional

L4 Transporter

I have a pair of Panorama running in Active/Passive version 10.2.4-h4.  Yesterday, I got this alert on the Active Panorama and it goes from Active to non-functional:  'High root partition usage; going to state Non-Functional' and " and "Disk usage for / exceeds limit, 100 percent in use, cleaning filesystem".  It was in this state for 30 minutes before becoming active again.  I do NOT have any debug enable on the system or crash files


I opened a TAC case and the TAC engineer  and the dude said that 84% utilization on the root partition is normal.  However, when I showed him that other panorama system has only 72% partition utilization, he couldn't explain it.  He instead pointed me to this bug ID:


Fixed an issue where log ingestion to Panorama failed, which resulted in missing logs under the


Which does not make any sense to me. 



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