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Device certificate advisory when firewall doesn't use the mgmt interface for these connections

L2 Linker


so in regards to the palo advisory of upgrading and rolling out device certificates we are running into an issue which I'm not sure what the impact is.

we have a number of panorama managed firewall clusters. however these firewalls don't use their mgmt/oob interface for connections to palo alto services or dns.
as a result after following the OTP procedure for a palo alto managed firewall the active node of the cluster gets a valid certificate without issue. the passive node remains at none.

we ca make the passive node active briefly so that it can retrieve a certificate whilst active however this certificate expires after 90 days, will try to renew after 75 days by default. if the node is passive this will fail.

It's unclear to me what the impac tof this is. will a (passive) firewall with an expired device certificate still be able to renew as soon as it becomes active without issue?

will a firewall with an expired certificate run into any issues being connected to log collectors or panorama?

I doubt we are the only people with a setup where either dns or palo alto update services are not sent out using the dedicated mgmt interface or where the dedicated mgmt interface is not allowed to go to the internet.


can anyone clarify here what the impact is and ithere is what workarounds there can be?


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