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Device Telemetry is Showing Invalid Regions

L3 Networker

Hi Friends,


Recently one of our customer has faced some issue in their firewall internally due to which they had to perform a factory reset.

After getting back the device up and fine we found a issue where commit is getting failed with Invalid Telemetry region.


When we are trying to add the telemetry from the CLI of the firewall we are seeing the below error.

Server error : device-telemetry -> region 'americas' is invalid.
device-telemetry -> region is invalid

Server error : device-telemetry -> region 'europe' is invalid.
device-telemetry -> region is invalid.


Current running PAN OS version on the firewall is 11.0.3-h10


Could you please help me how to over come this issue.


Thanks and Regards

Satya Kalyan

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