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Global Protect is saying it's disconnect but traffic still flows fine.

L0 Member

Having a strange issue since upgrading our PA450 to 10.2.8h3 whereby Global Protect users have an Always on connections the VPN connects as usual then the GP app tells us that the VPN is disconnected but actually the VPN is still connected and users can all work as usual. We were previously using version 10.2.4h4 and never saw this issue. Users are authenticated using a cert. We only upgrade due to the recent advisory CVE-2024-3400. It's not so much an issue as all users are working as if conditions are normal it's the GP app telling users they're not connected. GP Users are on Windows 10/11 and GP APP is version 6.2.0. If anyone has any pointers why that would be great we've been working fine for the best part of year until this.



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