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Global Protect's lack of connection profiles is making everyone at my company very sad

L1 Bithead

We're in a situation where we have mutliple PA firewalls deployed and many of them have their own GP SSL VPN set up (e.g. Manangement range, lab, severeal different customer "islands").  The lack of "connection profiles" within the GP Client is a real pain point for us.  We've talked to our client reps about this several times, including making a feature request, and have never gotten any sort of plan or road map.  AnyConnect, Pulse Secure, even VMware NSX's SSL VPN client all support multiple connection profiles.  Is this a problem for anyone else?  If so, please chime in.  I'm sure this is not an insignificant change to the GP client, but in my view it is sorely needed.  

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