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Frequent re-keying of ipsec tunnels

L1 Bithead

When I look under Monitor -> Logs -> System, I see the following:


1. ipsec-key-delete: IPSec key deleted.  Deleted SA <SA info> SPI:<hex dump>

2. ike-nego-p2-succ: IKE phase-2 negotiation is succeeded as responder, quick mode.  Established SA <SA info> SPI: <hex dump>

3. ipsec-key-install: IPSec key installed.  Installed SA <SA info> SPI: <hex dump>


We have several site to site tunnels on this firewall, some of them with multiple proxy id's.  If I filter based on one specific proxy id, I see it going through this process frequently.  Sometimes it is multiple times per minute, sometimes it goes ~5 minutes or so.  The same occurs for numerous other proxy id's.


Is this something to be concerned about? It seems that I'm receiving delete messages that correspond to this behavior:


ike-recv-p2-delete: IKE protocol IPSec SA delete message received from peer.  SPI: <hex dump>

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