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Resolved! Azure AD and InTune

Hi Palo Live Community, I'm hoping that someone has worked with Cortex XDR and Azure InTune.


I'm trying to find a dynamic way to apply an extension profile  (block USB), in Cortex XDR, targeting specific endpoints that reside in Azure InTune.






By doing or achieving different automations I have managed to add hashes to the block list in the action center section via API, but as in this console I see that it is blocked with 15,000 entries, let me explain when adding 15,000 hashes I un


Boot PXE Fog

Hello everyone,


I have a little problem with my boot PXE with Fog server

My station boot on port 69 at the gateway of his network


Fog server and the station they are not in the same network.

I tried to use DNSMASQ but that not resolve the problem


asbui by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

log rotation alarm in the Panorama?

Hello community!


The firewalls generate an alarm when certain % of the log quota is reached:


In Panorama you don´t have those alarms. In a Panorama-VM Logs are purg


Delete logs in /opt/panlogs can select specific date?

Hi All,


i have question on this KB : How to Clear Logs To Reduce Disk Space usage on /opt/panlogs - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks


can we chose to delete the logs by specific date? 

if there any command or KB to do it, can do please share.



logdb quota question

Hi ,


in show system logdb-quota as per screenshot


i found something weird information


As you can see, the system log is have max allocated 12.91GB, but why actual disk usage for system logs can be reach 61GB ?


Can anyone know and explain abou


Find more info about process based on PID

The command 'show system resources' lists the active processes and their PIDs and their resource utilization, but is there another command where based on the PID I can get more info about a specific process ? 

Similar to show jobs all shows all the jo


Resolved! Slow file transfer

When uploading to websites the transfer speed is limited to 3 MB/s and the process com.paloaltonetworks.GlobalProtect.client.extension maxes at 100% CPU on mac osx 14.6.1


However, and scp show > 30 MB/s transfer rate.  This is a recen


Export Codes - HS/ECCN/CCATS



I'm looking to obtain the export codes for some Palo Alto Network products.  Can anyone point me in the right direction to obtain these?



db2505 by L1 Bithead
  • 18 replies
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