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Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.

About Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.


Xpath for the server profile syslog

I'm building a script to keep a device up to date with the rules we are using at our production site.  I've found most of the xpath locations I need with the API explorer except one is elluding me. 


In the web ui configuration it is: Device->Server P


Ntripp by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Creation of a pre rules containing a tag with api

I want to create au pre rules with api:


And i want to put a tag:



mugude by L1 Bithead
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API to run user activity report

I need to generate a UAR for multiple users and wish to automate it.


I can script the creation of report, and I can use the API to schedule the report:




Resolved! filter on request for pre-rulebase/security/rules

Is it possible to add filter on a request, i want to get pre-rulebase security rules which contains a key word, do this:



mugude by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Ansible installation: No action detected in task

I've installed Ansible on Ubuntu. playbooks referencing panos modules do not work. They fail with the message "ERROR! no action detected in task". Here's an example:


  - name: My First Test
    connection: local
    gather_facts: False
    hosts: loc


Panorama Plugins



Panorama 8 inroduces Plugins.

does any one have information about how to create tham?

i will appriciate more information about it.



minow by L4 Transporter
  • 2 replies

Ansible - AWS and PANW

Hello everyone,


i have just started to learn about ansible, and i have a big black cloud in my head about one thing.

Let's supose that i already have a Firewall in my AWS environment and i need to setup ansible to identify new EC2 instances and config


Resolved! REST API to update Panorama Servers in Firewall

Hi all


I wonder can anyone offer some insight, I am trying to write a script to update all of the panorama server settings on a given list of firewalls. That's all fine but I am having an issue with the actual rest api -


I used debug CLI output to de


Issue with Curl using API URL

Hello Team,


I am trying to download feeds using Curl script and below API Url but receiving only IP address information, not confidence value and source information.




Play-book Missing required libraries

My play fails when i include an inventory with an output message:

"msg": "Missing required libraries."

This works okay  when I passe the hosts details as a variable from var.yml to my playbook. Not sure what Is wrong but I am testing with the example p


Rename zone in security policy through xml api

Hi all,


I'm trying to programatically rename security zone via xml api. 


Here's a scenario:

1. Device currently has 5 zones: trust, untrust, dmz, lvl1, lvl2

2. There are 500+ policies where <<trust>> appears as source zone member or destination zone me


KostiM by L2 Linker
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