Export Script: VM300 export all Config / Rulesets / Policy etc to excel. Error 500

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Export Script: VM300 export all Config / Rulesets / Policy etc to excel. Error 500

L0 Member

Palo Gurus,


Unit: VM-300

OS: PAN-OS® 8.0 release (current)


I need some help on a Perl script, that has been edited for security (IP, user etc), where I am able to:

  1. Setup and API Admin, grant all permissions, use password without special charaters,
  2. Setup an Admin Role for API user
  3. Connect via https and test API to get the "key"to ensure credentials work, no errors there...
    ( https://<hostname>/api/?type=keygen&user=<username>&password=<password> )
  4. Installed Perl ( https://learn.perl.org/installing/windows.html ) on Jump Box

Jump Box is not domain joined and can reach the PaloAlto Unit. via https: ..

When running script, under debug in the Perl IDE, it runs, acquires the API key, then suddenly stops with a 500 error

If i manually change the my $key and code the actual key from webpage, its then created a blank excel, and posts 500 error again.


Getting the key..
500 Can't connect to < not the real IP of the Palo of course..
Press any key to continue . . .




use LWP::UserAgent;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
use strict;


my $username="APIAdmin2017Sample";
my $password="notmypass";
my $paloIP = "";


#get the key 
my $paloRESTaddr="https://$paloIP/api/?";
my $key=GetTheKey($paloRESTaddr, $username, $password);
my $datestring = localtime();
print "Local date and time: $datestring\n";

my $excelfile="Palo_Alto.xlsx";


#creating workbook
print "Creating the xlsx file...\n";
my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( $excelfile );
die "Problems creating new Excel file: $!" unless defined $workbook;


my @addr_objects;

my $request="type=config&action=show&key=$key&xpath=/config/devices/entry/vsys/entry/address";
GetAddrObjects ($paloRESTaddr,$request, \@addr_objects, "vsys");

GetAddrObjects ($paloRESTaddr,$request, \@addr_objects, "shared");

AddrObjectsToXls (\@addr_objects,$workbook );

my @rullarray;
GetNATRules($paloRESTaddr,$key, \@rullarray);


NatRulesToXLS(\@rullarray, $workbook);

my @rullaray_sec;

GetSecurityRules ($paloRESTaddr,$key, \@rullaray_sec);

SecurityRulesToXLS (\@rullaray_sec, $workbook);


######sub begin here############
sub AddrObjectsToXls
my $objectarray_ref=$_[0];
my $workbook=$_[1];
my $wrksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet('Address Objects');
my $bold = $workbook->add_format( bold => 1 );
my @headers=('Object Name','Address','Tags','Description','Dev' );
CreateHeaders(0, $wrksheet, \@headers, $bold);
my @addr= @{$objectarray_ref};
my $row=1;
foreach my $i (0..$#addr) 
my $col=0;
print "$i"."==";
my $format = $workbook->add_format();
my $name=${addr[$i]}{'Name'};
$wrksheet->write($row,$col, $name, $format);

my $address=${addr[$i]}{'Address'};
$wrksheet->write($row,$col, $address, $format);

my $tags=${addr[$i]}{'Tags'};
$wrksheet->write($row,$col, $tags, $format);

my $desc=${addr[$i]}{'Description'};
$wrksheet->write($row,$col, $desc, $format);

my $dev=${addr[$i]}{'Dev'};
$wrksheet->write($row,$col, $dev, $format);


sub GetAddrObjects
my $host=$_[0];
my $request=$_[1];
my $objectarray_ref=$_[2];
my $which=$_[3];

my $reply=SendREST("\nGetting the $which address objects..\n",$host,$request);
#if ($which=~/shared/)
# print $reply;
# exit;

$reply=~ s/\R//g;
#remove line breaks
$reply=~s/\s+/ /g ;
#remove exessive whitespaces
my $addrobjects='';
if ($1)
print "No address objects";
#print $addrobjects;
while ($addrobjects=~m/\<entry name\=\"(.*?)\"\>(.*?)\<\/entry\>/gs)
my $addr_obj_txt=$2;
my %addr_obj_hash;

my $address='';
if (($addr_obj_txt=~m/\<ip\-netmask\>(.*)\<\/ip\-netmask\>/) || ($addr_obj_txt=~m/\<ip\-range\>(.*)\<\/ip\-range\>/) || ($addr_obj_txt=~m/\<fqdn\>(.*)\<\/fqdn\>/))
#print "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".$1."\n";
if ($addr_obj_txt=~m/\<tag>(.*)\<\/tag\>/)
my @tags;
my $tags_txt=$1;
GetMembers ($tags_txt, \@tags);

if ($addr_obj_txt=~m/\<description>(.*)\<\/description\>/)
$addr_obj_hash{'Description'}= $1;
push @{$objectarray_ref}, \%addr_obj_hash;


sub SecurityRulesToXLS
my $rul_arr_ref=$_[0];
my $workbook=$_[1];
my $wrksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet('Security Policies');
my $bold = $workbook->add_format( bold => 1 );
my @headers=('Rule #','Policy Name','Source Zone', 'Source Address', 'Source User','Hip Profile','Destination Zone','Destination Address', 'Service', 'Application', 'Action', 'Profile', 'Category','QoS','Log', 'Schedule','Option', 'Disabled');
CreateHeaders(0, $wrksheet, \@headers, $bold);
my @rules= @{$rul_arr_ref};
my $row=1;
foreach my $i (0..$#rules) 
my $col=0;
print "$i"."==";
my $rule_num=$i+1;

my $dis=${rules[$i]}{'Disabled'};
my $action=${rules[$i]}{'Action'};
my $format = $workbook->add_format();
if ($dis=~m/yes/)


if ($action=~m/allow/)
#print "!!!"


$wrksheet->write($row,$col, $rule_num, $format);
my $from_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'From'};
my $src_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'Source'};

my $src_user_ref=${rules[$i]}{'S_user'};

my $h_profile_ref=${rules[$i]}{'H_profile'};

my $to_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'To'};
my $dst_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'Destination'};

my $srv_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'Service'};

my $app_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'Application'};


my $profile=${rules[$i]}{'Profile'};

my $category_ref=${rules[$i]}{'Category'};

my $qos=${rules[$i]}{'QoS'};

my $log=${rules[$i]}{'Log'};

my $schedule=${rules[$i]}{'Schedule'};

my $sec_opt=${rules[$i]}{'SecOptions'};

if ($dis=~m/yes/)


sub GetSecurityRules
my $host=$_[0];
my $key=$_[1];
my $rullarray_ref=$_[2];
my $request="type=config&action=show&key=$key&xpath=/config/devices/entry/vsys/entry/rulebase/security";
my $reply=SendREST("\nGetting the security rules..",$host,$request);
$reply=~ s/\R//g;
#remove line breaks
$reply=~s/\s+/ /g ;
#remove exessive whitespaces
my $rules='';
if ($1)
print "No Security rules";
while ($rules=~m/\<entry name\=\"(.*?)\"\>(.*?)\<\/entry\>/gs)
my $rule_txt=$2;
my %rule_hash;

#getting source zone
my @from_mem;
my $from_regexp="\<from\>(.*?)\<\/from\>";
RunRegexp ($from_regexp, $rule_txt, \@from_mem );

#getting destination zone
my @to_mem;
my $to_regexp="\<to\>(.*?)\<\/to\>";
RunRegexp( $to_regexp, $rule_txt, \@to_mem);

#getting source address
my @source_mem;
my $source_regexp="\<source\>(.*?)\<\/source\>";
RunRegexp( $source_regexp, $rule_txt, \@source_mem);

#getting destination address
my @dest_mem;
my $dest_regexp="\<destination\>(.*?)\<\/destination\>";
RunRegexp( $dest_regexp, $rule_txt, \@dest_mem);

#getting application
my @app_mem;
RunRegexp( $dest_regexp, $rule_txt, \@app_mem);

#getting service
my @serv_mem;
RunRegexp( $dest_regexp, $rule_txt, \@serv_mem);




my @s_user;
RunRegexp( $dest_regexp, $rule_txt, \@s_user);

my @h_profile;
RunRegexp( $dest_regexp, $rule_txt, \@h_profile);

my @category;
RunRegexp( $dest_regexp, $rule_txt, \@category);

push @{$rullarray_ref}, \%rule_hash;



sub NatRulesToXLS
my $rul_arr_ref=$_[0];
my $workbook=$_[1];
my $wrksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet('NAT POlicies');
my $bold = $workbook->add_format( bold => 1 );
my @headers=('Rule #','Policy Name','Source Zone', 'Source Address', 'Destination Zone','Destination Address','Destination Interface', 'Service', 'Source Translation', 'Destination Translation', 'Disabled');
CreateHeaders(0, $wrksheet, \@headers, $bold);

my @rules= @{$rul_arr_ref};
foreach my $i (0..$#rules) 

my $col=0;
print "$i"."==";
my $rule_num=$i+1;

my $dis=${rules[$i]}{'Disabled'};
my $format = $workbook->add_format();
if ($dis=~m/yes/)


$wrksheet->write($row,$col, $rule_num, $format);
my $from_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'From'};
my $src_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'Source'};
my $to_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'To'};
my $dst_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'Destination'};



my $src_tr_type=${rules[$i]}{'Source_Trans_type'};
if ($src_tr_type!~/none/)
my $addon=${rules[$i]}{'Source_Trans_addon'};
my $wr=$src_tr_type.", ".$addon;
$wrksheet->write($row,$col, $wr,$format);



my $dst_tr_type=${rules[$i]}{'Dest_Trans_type'};
#print "$dst_tr_type---col=$col----row=$row\n";
if ($dst_tr_type!~/none/)
my $addon=${rules[$i]}{'Dest_Trans_addon'};
$wrksheet->write($row,$col, $addon,$format);



if ($dis=~m/yes/)



sub NatRulesToTxt
my $rul_arr_ref=$_[0];
my @rules= @{$rul_arr_ref};
foreach my $i (0..$#rules) 
my $from_ar_ref=${rules[$i]}{'From'};
my @from=@{$from_ar_ref};
my $from_txt='==';
foreach my $n (0..$#from) 
$from_txt=$from_txt.$from[$n]." ";

my $output=$i." ".${rules[$i]}{'Name'}." ".$from_txt."\n";
print $output;



sub GetNATRules
#retrives NAT rules
my $host=$_[0];
my $key=$_[1];
my $rullarray_ref=$_[2];

#push @{$rullarray_ref}, 'onee';
#push @{$rullarray_ref}, 'twoee';

my $request="type=config&action=show&key=$key&xpath=/config/devices/entry/vsys/entry/rulebase/nat";
my $reply=SendREST("\nGetting the nat rules..",$host,$request);
$reply=~ s/\R//g;
#remove line breaks
$reply=~s/\s+/ /g ;
#remove exessive whitespaces
my $rules;
if ($1)
print "No NAT rules";
while ($rules=~m/\<entry name\=\"(.*?)\"\>(.*?)\<\/entry\>/gs)

#print $1."\n";
my $rule_txt=$2;
my %rule_hash;
#getting source zone
my @from_mem;
my $from_regexp="\<from\>(.*?)\<\/from\>";
RunRegexp ($from_regexp, $rule_txt, \@from_mem );

#getting destination zone
my @to_mem;
my $to_regexp="\<to\>(.*?)\<\/to\>";
RunRegexp( $to_regexp, $rule_txt, \@to_mem);

#getting source address
my @source_mem;
my $source_regexp="\<source\>(.*?)\<\/source\>";
RunRegexp( $source_regexp, $rule_txt, \@source_mem);

#getting destination address
my @dest_mem;
my $dest_regexp="\<destination\>(.*?)\<\/destination\>";
RunRegexp( $dest_regexp, $rule_txt, \@dest_mem);

#getting non-member stuff
my %non_member_stuff;
GetNonMeberStuff(\%non_member_stuff, $rule_txt );

#source translation
my %source_translation;
GetSourceTranslation(\%source_translation, $rule_txt );

#destination translation
my %destination_translation;
GetDestinationTranslation(\%destination_translation, $rule_txt);


push @{$rullarray_ref}, \%rule_hash;


sub GetSecOptions
my $rule_txt=$_[0];
my $SecOptions='';
if ($rule_txt=~m/\<option\>(.*)\<\/option\>/)
my $option=$1;
if ($option=~m/\<disable\-server\-response\-inspection\>(.*)\<\/disable\-server\-response\-inspection\>/)
if ($1=~m/yes/)



return $SecOptions;
sub GetSchedule
my $rule_txt=$_[0];
my $schedule='';
if ($rule_txt=~m/\<schedule\>(.*)\<\/schedule\>/)

return $schedule;

sub GetQoS
my $rule_txt=$_[0];
my $qos='';
my $q='';
if ($q=~m/\<marking\>\s+\<(.*?)\>(.*?)\<\/(?:.*?)\>\s+\<\/marking\>/)

elsif ($q=~m/\<marking\>\s+\<(.*?)\/\>\s+\<\/marking\>/)

return $qos;

sub GetLog
my $rule_txt=$_[0];
my $log='';
if ($1=~m/yes/)
$log="log at start";

if ($1=~m/yes/)

$log=$log."; log at end";
#print "-----------//-----------\n";
#print $log."\n";
return $log;

sub GetProfile
my $rule_txt=$_[0];
my $profile='';
my $ret='';
if ($1)

if ($profile=~m/\<profiles\>(.*)\<\/profiles\>/)

my $url_filt="\<url\-filtering\>(.*?)\<\/url\-filtering\>";
if ($profile=~m/$url_filt/)
my @url_filt;
RunRegexp( $url_filt, $profile, \@url_filt);
$ret=$ret."url filtering=".ArrayToString(\@url_filt)."; ";

my $virus="\<virus\>(.*?)\<\/virus\>";
if ($profile=~m/$virus/)
my @virus;
RunRegexp( $virus, $profile, \@virus);
$ret=$ret."virus=".ArrayToString(\@virus)."; ";


my $spyware="\<spyware\>(.*?)\<\/spyware\>";
if ($profile=~m/$spyware/)
my @spyware;
RunRegexp( $spyware, $profile, \@spyware);
$ret=$ret."spyware=".ArrayToString(\@spyware)."; ";


my $vulnerability="\<vulnerability\>(.*?)\<\/vulnerability\>";
if ($profile=~m/$vulnerability/)
my @vulnerability;
RunRegexp( $vulnerability, $profile, \@vulnerability);
$ret=$ret."vulnerability=".ArrayToString(\@vulnerability)."; ";


my $wildfire="\<wildfire\-analysis\>(.*?)\<\/wildfire\-analysis\>";
if ($profile=~m/$wildfire/)
my @wildfire;
RunRegexp( $wildfire, $profile, \@wildfire);
$ret=$ret."wildfire=".ArrayToString(\@wildfire)."; ";


my $data_filt="\<data\-filtering>(.*?)\<\/data\-filtering>";
if ($profile=~m/$data_filt/)
my @data_filt;
RunRegexp( $data_filt, $profile, \@data_filt);
$ret=$ret."data filtering=".ArrayToString(\@data_filt)."; ";


my $file_blck="\<file\-blocking>(.*?)\<\/file\-blocking";
if ($profile=~m/$file_blck/)
my @file_blck;
RunRegexp( $file_blck, $profile, \@file_blck);
$ret=$ret."file blocking=".ArrayToString(\@file_blck)."; ";

elsif ($profile=~m/\<group\>(.*)\<\/group\>/)
my @group;
$ret=$ret."Group=".ArrayToString(\@group)."; ";
#print $ret."\n";
return $ret;

sub GetAction
my $rule_txt=$_[0];
my $action='';
return $action;

sub GetDisabled
my $rule_txt=$_[0];
my $dis='';
if ($1=~m/yes/)
return $dis;

sub GetDestinationTranslation
my $destination_translation_ref=$_[0];
my $rule_txt=$_[1];
if ($rule_txt!~/destination\-translation/)

my $dest_tr='';
$dest_tr="address: $1";
if ($rule_txt=~m/destination\-translation>.*<translated\-port>(.*)<\/translated\-port>.*<\/destination\-translation>/)

$dest_tr=$dest_tr.",port: $1";
#print $rule_txt."\n";


sub GetSourceTranslation
my $source_translation_ref=$_[0];
my $rule_txt=$_[1];
#print "----------\n";
#print $rule_txt;
#print "----------\n";
if ($rule_txt!~/source\-translation/)

#print $rule_txt;
my $type=$1;
if ($type=~m/dynamic-ip-and-port/)
my $d_ip_a_port=$1;
#print "+++++++++++ $d_ip_a_port +++++++++++++++\n";

if ($d_ip_a_port=~m/translated\-address/)
my @tr_add;
my $mem=$1;
#print Dumper @tr_add;
elsif ($d_ip_a_port=~m/interface\-address/)
${$source_translation_ref}{'addon'}="$1, $2";


elsif ($type=~m/dynamic-ip/)
my @tr_add;
#print $rule_txt;
my $mem=$1;

if ($rule_txt=~m/\<dynamic-ip\>.*\<fallback\>/)
if ($rule_txt=~m/\<fallback>\s*\<interface-address\>\s*<ip>(.*)<\/ip>\s*<interface>(.*)<\/interface>\s*<\/interface-address>\s*<\/fallback\>/)
#print "$1 $2";
push @tr_add, "Fall-back interface address: $1";
push @tr_add, "Fall-back interface : $2";
elsif ($rule_txt=~m/\<fallback>\s*\<translated\-address\>(.*)<\/translated-address>\s*<\/fallback\>/)
#print $rule_txt;
my @t2;
my $mem=$1;
push @tr_add, "Fallback address: $mem";

elsif ($type=~m/static-ip/)
my @tr_add;
#print $rule_txt."\n";
push @tr_add, "$1";
push @tr_add, "bi-directional: $1";


sub GetNonMeberStuff
my $non_member_stuff_ref=$_[0];
my $rule_txt=$_[1];
#get service
#doing through the array, because we already have sub for that...we don't need array, but I am too lazy to rewrite the sub
my @array;
my $regexp="\<service\>(.*?)\<\/service\>";
RunRegexp( $regexp, $rule_txt, \@array);
my $variab= pop @array;

RunRegexp( $regexp, $rule_txt, \@array);
$variab= pop @array;


sub RunRegexp
my $regexp=$_[0];
my $rule_txt=$_[1];
my $mem_array_ref=$_[2];
#print $rule_txt."\n";
#print "-------//-------------//--------";
#print $regexp."\n\n";

while ($rule_txt=~m/$regexp/gs)
my $mem=$1;
#print "=========RunRegexp=============="."\n";
#print $mem."\n";
#print ArrayToString (@{$mem_array_ref});
#print "\n";
#print "\n";

sub GetMembers
#pushes the array with members from the text
#if there is no members, pushes the text itself
my $txt=$_[0];
my $array_ref=$_[1];
if ($txt=~m/member/)
while ($txt=~m/\<member\>(.*?)\<\/member\>/gs)
#print $1."\n";
#push the member into the array
push @{$array_ref}, $1;

#as long as we do not have members, push the whole thing into the array
push @{$array_ref}, $txt;



sub GetTheKey
#retrievs the key
my $host=$_[0];
my $username=$_[1];
my $password=$_[2];
my $request="type=keygen&user=$username&password=$password";
my $reply=SendREST("Getting the key..",$host,$request);
if ($reply=~m/\<key\>(.*)\<\/key\>/)
my $key=$1;
return $key;
print "Error while getting the key\n";
print $reply."\n";


sub SendREST
#sends RESTful request and returns a response
my $reason=$_[0];
my $host=$_[1];
my $request=$_[2];
my $restline="$paloRESTaddr$request";
#print $restline;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->ssl_opts( verify_hostnames => 0 ); 
print "$reason\n";
my $response = $ua->get($restline);
my $reply='';
if ($response->is_success) {
$reply= $response->decoded_content; 
if ($reply=~m/error/)
print $reply;

else {
$reply= $response->status_line;
print $reply."\n";
return $reply;

sub CreateHeaders
#creates headers , on row (starts from 0) 
my $row=$_[0];
my $wrksheet=$_[1];
my $headers_ref=$_[2];
my $bold=$_[3];
foreach my $i (0..$#{$headers_ref}) 
my $header=shift @{$headers_ref};
$wrksheet->write_rich_string( $row, $i, $bold, $header );


sub ArrayToString
my $ar_ref=$_[0];
my @from=@{$ar_ref};
my $m_txt='';
foreach my $n (0..$#from) 
$m_txt=$m_txt.$from[$n].", ";
#remove two last characters (last comma and space)
return $m_txt


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