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Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.

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Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.


example for address object ip-netmask edit

I would like to edit an existing address object, just changing it's ip-netmask attribute. However, using the supplied examples I can't seem to get a valid URL for changing it.


Does anyone have a working example?

ctr_ts by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Proper Syntax for Local Cert Generation

Hi all,


Looking for some help on the proper XML structure for an API call to generate a local certificate. Every which way I try sending queries lands me an 'Illegal request [parameter]' response.


What I've tried lately was the following (with variab


Backup Using Powershell

add-type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
public bool CheckValidationResult(
ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
WebRequest request, int certif


minow by L4 Transporter
  • 1 replies

Importing and Loading partial config with Ansible

Hi All,


I've successfully can import and load config with ansible, but once it loads it overwrites the existing config.

I see from api in Palo there is an option to load partial config with merge, but it doesn't give a mix of partial or from, or mode


Resolved! API - Security Rule Syntax

Version: PAN-OS 8


Hi all,


I am attempting to create new security rules in Panorama, but keep getting a response that says a schema node cannot be found


I have the following code in a PS function, where $Name is my intended rule name, and $DeviceAddre


Can't get src.user field via API.

In the below code - I"m using the API to query the URL logs. It works great. 


What isn't returning though is the src.user field, if it's mapped. How can I get this value? Do I need to do a separate query? 




# Build PAN API Connection and get token ...

punkrokk by L0 Member
  • 0 replies

scheduling quarterly reports

I need to setup quarterly reports for a security review. This can be done by creating a custom time frame but since these can't be scheduled it would require updating the date range every 3 months. Hardcoding a 90 day time frame would seem a simple f


amma by L0 Member
  • 0 replies

Resolved! Show Local Device Policies

Hi all,


I'm searching through the API browser on my PAN-OS 8 instance, and wondering where the syntax exists for exploring/getting the local policies per-physical device.


Or for clarity's sake - what API endpoint would return all of the local device'


Having an issue with checkboxes in API

I am having an issue with changing settings that use checkboxes through API. For example the setting under 

/config/devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']/deviceconfig/system/services. If I try to set <disable-telnet></disable-telnet> it says th


SNMP Monitoring - Missing Data

Hi all,


I'm currently working on developing SNMP  v3 reporting with data from my PA-3020's and Panorama.


While I can successful authenticate commands against each of my desired devices, I am not seeing any clearly available data that represents sessi


Resolved! Security rules via API with two vsys


This morning started with me pulling my hair out...just like yesterday ended.  So, here I am.  I want to query our Palo Alto firewall via the API to show me security rules...not a big deal.  However, the device as two vsys's (or however you wri


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