Certification Articles
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As Palo Alto Networks continues to be your cybersecurity partner of choice, we recognize the importance of adapting to constantly evolving technologies to protect our digital way of life. Our Education Services team offers training and certification with cutting-edge knowledge of the industry’s leading technologies, and continues to keep our educational and credentialing portfolios updated with the latest advancements.   We want you to be aware that as we ramp up our educational services to align with the dynamic field of cybersecurity, we will be instating a modest price change on our certifications. Effective February 1, 2021, our certifications will increase by $10-15 on average.      The price changes will be effective February 1, 2021. We encourage you to use this time to prepare for the certification exams this fall. We aim to provide you the highest quality certifications and we look forward to being a part of your educational journey.   FAQs for Customers   What was announced? Palo Alto Networks will increase the price of its certifications by 10%. This is an increase of $10-15.   When is the price change effective from? The new pricing will take effect on February 1, 2021. Certification exams that are purchased before February 2021 will remain at the current pricing. We encourage you to register for your next certification before the price change takes effect.   Where do I access certifications? Information on certifications is available on our website here: https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/services/education/certification. You can register for certifications here: https://home.pearsonvue.com/paloaltonetworks   Why are prices changing? Palo Alto Networks routinely evaluates our certifications to remain competitive in the market. Occasionally, this results in changes to pricing. This is the first time we have raised prices and brings pricing inline with the rest of the industry.   Which certifications are affected by the price change? All Palo Alto Networks certifications will be affected by this change. This includes the PCCSA, PCNSE, and PCNSA.   Will prices increase again? We will routinely evaluate the market to ensure that our certifications are competitive and prices are appropriate.   Whom do I contact with questions? For any questions, please contact the certifications team: certifications@paloaltonetworks.com.
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