Cortex XSOAR New Content Pack Release - March 23'

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New Content Packs Release

For more info on use cases, integrations, and related documentation, click on the Pack title:


Infoblox BloxOne
Infoblox BloxOne
Symantec EDR On-prem helps to detect threats on your network by filtering endpoints data to find Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) and take actions to remediate the threat(s)
XSOAR File Management
This pack let user manipulate file inside XSOAR more easily than with the builtin functions.
Fortanix DSM
Manage Secrets and Protect Confidential Data using Fortanix Data Security Manager (Fortanix DSM)
Zerohack XDR
Zerohack XDR detects threats operating inside a network by scanning the network and gives insights into a network by using Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
CVE-2023-23397 - Microsoft Outlook EoP
By: Cortex XSOARThis pack handles Microsoft Outlook EoP CVE-2023-23397 vulnerability.
Microsoft Graph Search
Use the Microsoft Search API in Microsoft Graph to search content stored in OneDrive or SharePoint: files, folders, lists, list items, or sites.
Simple Debugger
This content pack provides a simple debugger for debugging custom python automation in XSOAR.  You can visually trace code execution, set breakpoints, step through the code, and more. 
Amazon Web Services Web Application Firewall
Investigates the RDP bitmap Cache files
KMSAT Integration

To explore more content packs and test drive use cases from Cortex XSOAR and other contributors, visit our Marketplace Site
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Last Updated:
‎04-03-2023 10:37 AM
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