OVA file

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OVA file

L1 Bithead



I downlaoded the OVA file but when I import on WS 15 pro I got the following error


"Size mismatch during data transfer; expect 2652706958 bytes to read but 3192189440 bytes are pending to read. Source file may be corrupted.



please advice





L5 Sessionator

if the OVA is not installin g on workstation you can download and install the VMDK files by clicking on the link for:


"Get the Tool VM"





I already installed both OVA and VMDk files but still I dont know how to login to the GUI version please help.


I just got CLI login


Please advise



Logging into the WebUI is described in the User Guide:




from the CLI find the IP address assigned to the Expedition server:




open a browser session - https session to the IP address listed.


https://<ip assigned to your Expedition server>


username: 'admin'

password: 'paloalto'


expedition@Expedition:/home/userSpace$ ifconfig

ens33     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0c:29:85:1a:47 

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe85:1a47/64 Scope:Link


          RX packets:254037 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

          TX packets:161590 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

          RX bytes:183128773 (183.1 MB)  TX bytes:86094261 (86.0 MB)



Thanks for your guide


That I saw is Capture.PNG

Check your VM (in VMWare , not in the Expedition image itself) to verify the networking that you have offered to the virtual machine.


Either you have connected the VM to an interface that does not offer DHCP or it is not connected to a valid network interface at all.

You may want to give Expedition access to your network, so we would recommend that you connect the network interface that the VM will use to a network sharing internet using NAT.



Thanks Man, it worked.  is there any day-1  configuration kinda that needed to be done for it to work optimally?


It comes with a default set of settings that work fine with most cases.


If you require extra space for logs (in case you are going to do traffic log analytics) you may want to add another drive (preferably a SSD) and some extra RAM and CPUs if possible.

If you are going to import large files, check for the modification of the php.ini file (you can find this info in the forum).

Also, you can check and modify the Max time and Max RAM used for Parser processing via the Web UI in the Settings->Custom Parameters section.

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