Quickplay Solutions Archived Articles
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HomeSkillet is a starter internet gateway configuration that builds on a modified version of IronSkillet for use in home networks. It includes interface, zone, NAT, and security policy configuration.
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A suite of deployment, config, and service information skillets for Prisma Access mobile users and remote networks.
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GcpHttpLbAppID skillet to create the Palo Alto Networks App-ID for the Azure Application Gateway Health Probe.
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When a VM-Series is not connected to the Internet (or is said to be air-gapped), licensing a VM-Series Palo Alto Networks firewall requires more steps than simply clicking the Activate feature using authorization code button. This Quickplay solution was created to simplify these additional steps.
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The K-12 Skillet is intended to help enable a safe and secure internet experience. The features and options are meant to help easily enable Safe Search features across the institution without having to manually configure and audit devices.  
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Set of simple skillets that can be used to perform simple tasks or as a starting point to learn about skillets. Includes changing the NGFW hostname, instantiate an Ubuntu server or VM-Series in AWS
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A set of GlobalProtect API and set command configuration skillets based on the Quick Config Guides
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This skillet will collect information from a NGFW then post that information to the SLR API. 
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This skillet will configure a BGP peer. It needs to be combined with a redistribution profile in order to advertise routes to the peer. This configuration assumes all of the default timers and values for BGP.
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This skillet will automatically configure panorama and plugin for a state-of-the-art integration into NSX-V for a “one click ready” POC with single and multiple tenant support.
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This skillet will automatically configure panorama and plugin for a state-of-the-art integration into an ACI Single Pod environment with PBR for traffic redirection as a “one click ready” POC. 
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This skillet will automatically configure panorama and plugin for a state-of-the-art integration into an ACI Multi Pod environment with PBR for traffic redirection as a “one click ready” POC. 
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This Skillet provides information about a pre-provisioned NGFW DNS proxy configuration. Find more details and options to commit and backup successfully. 
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Monitoring HTTP status codes assist customers in locking down HTTP responses to prevent fingerprinting and helping create more effective App-ID signatures. These configured Threat Prevention custom signatures will log HTTP response status codes.
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