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LAB PA-200 fails 7.0.1 upgrade

L1 Bithead

I have a Lab PA-200 that I have been upgrading to the latest version of PAN OS for testing.

I have been uploading the OS file and upgrading for a while.

The 7.0 file worked fine. After the alert about 7.0. I attempted to upgrade to 7.0.1.

No joy. In Firefox and Chrome the upload dialog just sits there forever.

With IE 11 it finally gives the error: "upload file size exceeded system limit"

There is a critical error in the system log following this:

'Disk usage for / exceeds limit, 100 percent in use, cleaning filesystem'

I do not see this error following the stalled uploads with Firefox or Chrome

Is there a work around for this, or am I at a dead end?

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