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Log files meaning

L3 Networker


With command tail I can read log from PAN FW. ...

questions :

what's difference between mp-log and dp-log ?

what does the mp-log files below contain/mean (i.e ha_agent.log is for ha system) ?

appWeb.log.old                masterd_manager-infra.log
brdagent.log                  mgmt_fb.log
captive_portal.log            mp-monitor.log
chasd.log                     ms.log
dataplane-console-output.log  pan_bc_download.log
devsrv.log                    pan_url_download.log
dhcpd.log                     paninstaller_content.log
ehmon.log                     panlogs-partition.log
ha_agent.log                  pdtrc.log
ikemgr.log                    rasmgr.log
indexgen.log                  routed.log
ipstrc.bak                    sslmgr.log
ipstrc.log                    sslvpn-access.log
keymgr.log                    sslvpn.log
logrcvr.log                   sysd.log
masterd.log                   sysdagent.log
masterd_core.log              tdb_precompile.log
masterd_detail.log            varrcvr.log
?What are the most inportant for troubleshooting ?

appWeb.log                    masterd_manager-apps.log
appWeb.log.old                masterd_manager-infra.log
brdagent.log                  mgmt_fb.log
captive_portal.log            mp-monitor.log
chasd.log                     ms.log
dataplane-console-output.log  pan_bc_download.log
devsrv.log                    pan_url_download.log
dhcpd.log                     paninstaller_content.log
ehmon.log                     panlogs-partition.log
ha_agent.log                  pdtrc.log
ikemgr.log                    rasmgr.log
indexgen.log                  routed.log
ipstrc.bak                    sslmgr.log
ipstrc.log                    sslvpn-access.log
keymgr.log                    sslvpn.log
logrcvr.log                   sysd.log
masterd.log                   sysdagent.log
masterd_core.log              tdb_precompile.log
masterd_detail.log            varrcvr.log


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