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Globalprotect client unable to connect even with IE Proxy exception

L0 Member



Assuming my users tries to connect from the outside using their ADSL at home


Currently running PA-3020 ;

Sofware Version 7.1.6

Globalprotect Agent 3.1.4


- GP clients are all installed on windows 10, running in a domain with GPO for IE11, proxy is enable and a list of exceptions declared including my current GP portal (


- there is a list of IE exceptions (about 25)

I can see in the GP logs that it do not read the list of exception and so there is no proxybypass value so the connexion of the client


if i only put 1 or 2 exceptions in the proxy list then the GP client see portal address as an exception and connect !


Is there a limit in the IE Exception list ? number of entries, charaters ? any help would be appreciated.




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