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Commit failed - failed to send phase 1 to client logrcvr

Not applicable


Since this morning I'm not able to commit any change from my panorama to my firewalls

Here is the message error that I receive:

  • Details:
  • . Management server failed to send phase 1 to client logrcvr
  • . Management server failed to send phase 1 abort to client logrcvr
  • . Commit failed
I tried some debug command like "debug software restart log-receiver" but the process stop with the exit signal SIGSEGVa few  second after the restart

***@***)> show system software status | match logrcvr

Process  logrcvr              running  (pid: 7076)

***@***)> show system software status | match logrcvr

Process  logrcvr              stopped  (pid: -1) - Exit Signal: SIGSEGV

I tried to look for comments with the following signa exit, but I found nothing.
(I also tried to restart the mgmtsrv process)

Any idea ?


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