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using syslog to integrate Ruckus ZoneDirector & PAN for user identification

L1 Bithead

I am trying to integrate Ruckus ZoneDirector & PAN for user identification by using syslog. However, syslog message generated by Ruckus ZoneDirector doesn't have user's IP address. It only contains user name and MAC address of the device as shown below.

<134>Sep 20 12:16:34 syslog: eventd_to_syslog():User[GUEST@8c:70:5a:4e:a2:8c] joins WLAN[GUEST-WLAN] from AP[AP4@00:25:c4:13:a6:40] 25:c4:13:a6:4c roams from AP[AP4@00:25:c4:13:a6:40]

Therefore, I cannot extract user name and IP address form the syslog message for passing them to PAN User-ID Agent. Is there any solution?

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