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Panorama VM OS Disk size modified

L3 Networker


Today whilst we were investigating the process of upgrading the disk size for our Panorama Legacy Mode VM we have accidentally re-configured the disk size from 81gb (as per the template import original size) to 150gb. This was of course different to the process as outlined by Palo Alto documentation. Within VMWARE VCSA we are unable to change the disk size back down to 81gb as we are advised that a disk size cannot be reduced below it's current size.
I would like to know that if we restart the Panorama OS or it is shut down will it cause any issues with Panorama OS working properly? My thoughts are there should be no issues as essentially Panorama OS will not know about the increase of disk space as it can't extend a partition table. I am just not sure how much it checks the disk during the boot stages and if it detects a change to the disk if that will cause a boot issue...
Can you please advise if this is a problem, as we are thinking of upgrading Panorama which is currently in Legacy mode to Panorama mode which of course requires a shutdown to begin the change.
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