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GlobalProtect Issue Routing Issues, no connection to, IPV6 on client causes connection issues, 5.2.X Client is awful

L0 Member

I have a multitude of issues I would love to see if anyone has solved.

With GlobalProtect 5.2.X routing works half the time and sometimes not at all. Reverting to 5.1.X solves this. However 5.1.X isn't compatible with Big Sur OSX. Help?


If I have IPV6 enabled on clients traffic won't traverse the vpn. I have IPV6 disabled on the vpn as it is not implemented at the corporate office wan or lan as of yet. This is related to version 5.1.x or 5.2.x of the global protect client. How do I resolve this? 


We also have developers that run content on local apache servers via and once connected on global protect this fails. We aren't disabling local traffic while connected to the vpn so I don't understand this. Reverting to 5.1.X client fixes this. Again Big Sur isn't compatible with 5.1.X so this isn't a real fix. Any ideas?

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