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Image File Authentication Error Failed to extract rpm file

L1 Bithead

when I am updating my application and threat dabase to 260-1085, I am getting following error.

content update failed with the following messages: Image File Authentication Error Failed to extract rpm file /opt/pancfg/mgmt/content-images/tmp/panupv2-all-contents-260-1085.tgz

Following is my disk usage.

admin@PA-2050> show system disk-space
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda2             3.8G  1.1G  2.5G  31% /

/dev/sda5             7.6G  3.0G  4.2G  43%

/opt/pancfg/dev/sda6             3.8G  474M  3.2G  13% /opt/panrepo

tmpfs                 493M   37M  456M   8% /dev/shm

/dev/sda8              51G   15G   35G  30% /opt/panlogs


Anyone has see such an error?

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