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"Failed to resolve RBAC resources for defender" - Repeating defender ERRO in console logs.

L0 Member

Every 15 minutes for several agents from different k8s clusters, such an error appears in the console:


ERRO 2022-01-30T21:38:05.885 pubsub_defender.go:2154 Failed to resolve RBAC resources for defender *defender_name*: {*k8s_cluster_name* {Get "": URLBlocked <nil>} { <nil>}} (failed to fetch RBAC resources: )


Everything else is working properly...


Perhaps this is due to "11 Monitor service accounts" (checkbox when installing the defender) and defender does not have enough rights for this? either agents are on specific nodes of the cluster on which they cannot access the head of k8s api and RBAC..?

Has anyone encountered a similar error, any ideas?




Prisma Cloud

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