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L0 Member

This issue is fixed by following these steps of uninstallation &reinstallation of Global Protect:

1. Uninstall the global Protect Agent.
2. In Local Disk C: --> Program Files --> PaloAlto Networks --> Global Protect We have deleted the overall Paloalto networks Folder.
3. In Local Disk C: --> Users --> Local User (UserName) --> AppData --> Local --> deleted the Paloalto Networks Folder.
4. Disable WMI services: run - services.msc - Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) - stop the service.
5. Delete the files under C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository deleted all files.
​6. Open the regedit. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software deleted the PaloAlto Networks Folder
​7. Open the regedit. Go to   HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software deleted the PaloAlto Networks Folder
​8. Make sure that the virtual adapter is not present in the Network adapter settings.
​9. Reboot the computer.
10. Reinstall GlobalProtect using Newly downloaded from the portal.
11. Confirm that the WMI service is running.

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